KDMO Translation

Fitur :
  • Simple Invite Party, Add Friend and Block Friend from different places
1. Add Party
Type in chat box /ad[space]Nick
Example :
/ad Vodka

2. Add Friends [New]
Type in chat box /af[space]Nick
Example :
/af Vodka

3. Block Friends [New]
Type in chat box /bf[space]Nick
Example :
/bf Vodka

  • New Interface
Options Window
    • Small Monsters Cards Level 6
    • MetalGarurumon To Tsunomon
    • Hi-Andromon To Upamon
    • Vikemon To Koromon
    • Gryphomon To Tanemon
    How To Use Patch :
    1.Open BFIOG.exe
    2.Put Password
    3.Browse Folder DigimonMastersOnline
    4.Clik Patch
    5.Close and log in game
    1.Open BFIOG.exe
    2.Put Password
    3.Extrak on Desktop
    4.Copy/Cut Folder"Data"
    5.Go to directory C:\Digitalic\DigimonMastersOnline
    1.Open BFIOG.exe
    2.Put Password
    3.Extrak on Desktop
    4.Copy/Cut File"Pack02.hf" and "Pack02.pf"
    5.Go to directory C:\Digitalic\DigimonMastersOnline\Data
    Virus Total :

    Notice :
    If you got problem with New D-Player/ActiveX Downlod Here, then Extract to C:\Digitalic
    Updates every Wednesday after Maintenance / server hanging up, maintenance time can change without notice.
    If DMOT not working or patch is still in Korean please report in comments

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    61 Komentar untuk "KDMO Translation"

    Test 1 2 3 , di tunggu traslatornya XD

    bang, untuk invite teman /ad udah gg bsa nih. mohon diperbaikii

    waduh emang ada exe baru ya?
    next dmot aja, tanggung sih tinggal 2 hari lgi, aga sibuk juga renopasi blog klw btuh sekarang.....

    oke bang ane tunggu ya untuk next dmot

    mantep v.581 dah beres XD sedot mas brohh

    atas ane rajin benar komeng...
    kaynya sering berkunjung juga

    Demi bisa mendapatkan req mod saya rela comment buat ngeramein nih blog XD .. pingin banget mod kuroyukihime bang XD

    thanks for DMOT :D

    your welcome jb fans

    Hadeehh rumit kali Download nya :3

    iya ndak kayak dulu ,
    sekarang malah isi share -_- , terpaksa deh share , tapi di setting sharenya jadi hanya saya :v

    gitu aja di jadiin masalah, masih mending ni blog nagsih geratis atau msh bikin translator nya, anggap aja tu share sebagai tanda terima kasih nya ke blog ini, tiap share ane setting public ga, bantu support buat blog nya....

    maaf gan untuk mslh share to download nya, mungkin mnrt agan ribet, tp anggpa lah itu bentuk dukungan buat blog ini sprti yang di katakn atas ane, klw ngrasa menuhin wall nya bsa di share ke grop2 dmo kan ga harus ke wall agan?

    Mayamoto Utanade yep....

    dont forget share new dmot to your friends, guild or other groups Korean Digimon Masters Online jose....

    yang work buat patch sekarang yang mana?

    thx gan, dmot nya sgt membantu..

    Nick : KyuHun
    Server : 3/4
    Guild : MajiraDBO
    Tanks buat agan Al Qaissara Nur Rahman shop 30Dnya sma Bag+7 udh masuk, jgd kepok beli sma agan yang satu ini, di jamin puas, dan aman 100% kkkkkkkk

    koq ga bisa ya 619nya ?
    Force close mulu sblm masukin password

    It does not say patch to me.... also i get crush when i try to log in

    sorry for that dude, we got problem with pack02, and until now i can't found what a problem, i hope tomorrow i can fix

    This comment has been removed by the author. - Hapus

    i cant use link can someone write it in comment please ?

    This comment has been removed by the author. - Hapus
    This comment has been removed by the author. - Hapus

    Wheres the download? the picture isnt a download

    We cant download link fail :) fix it i wanna pay kdmo xD

    Fix the download wherever it is!!! ive been pressing everywhere and no download for translator!!!

    Password wrong...

    thanks gan haha
    ohiya itu tsukaimon line ,BM nya bukan ya ?

    thanks for it dude...i can read almost everything in english but can u help me.....whenever i log in..i am in DATS...and get disconnected...i already have changed my location to korea

    mksih bnyk gan, tp pass dmot 624 apa ya?

    baru saja menjadi followers agan :-) salam kenal. saya suka info2nya keren.
    mampir ke blog ane gan :-)


    makasih gan :))
    ngomong" blog agan mana?

    i cant login after use this translator.help me

    kok aku klo hbis pke translate klo login ke server yg ada tamer gk bisa,klo bikin tamer bru ke server lain bisa?

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