MoveGames Add Armor Digivolution

As we know MoveGames added new digimon to List Digimon on latest update Korean Digimon Masters Online new digimon is Flamedramon and Pegasusmon, some people ask how to get Flamedramon and pegasusmon? whether there will be a new line?, or from an existing line,?

Now i try to explain my prediction how to get flamedramon, Here i make 3 sample, Orginal,Armor Evo,and Full Armor Evo

MoveGames Add Armor Digivolution

If MoveGames just want to add a few digimon from Line Armor Evolutions System, is likely to be "Armor Line" but if they want to add all digimon from Line Armor evolutions System is likely to be

"Full Armor Line Evo". If you ask if it's from a new line or from an existing line? both can be in a new line, why? "Armor Line" can be a new line same as Salamon [Silphymon Jogress] but Its possible MoveGames also add it into existing line [Veemon X],"Full Armor Line Evo" for this line im sure there will be a new line of Veemon, reason if MoveGames add it into existing line maybe line it will be like this

MoveGames Add Armor Digivolution

but all could happen depending on the decision MoveGames.

How we get flamedramon?
1. If there use item like Burst Mode, just buy it from cash or people sell that item right clikc done.
2. System Quest like Omegamon, Examon, Alphamon Ouyruken, Jogress, Shoutmon Digi Xross, and Fanglongmon Jogress,

System quest, remmber Digimenatal Of Courage at Warped Data Village it will be one of stages quest Flamedramon,first we must talk culumon on dats like other jogress, next just follow quest given by system

MoveGames Add Armor Digivolution

If MoveGames use system it will be easy for player, why? becaouse we just need to do quest for unlock other Armor Evolutions
MoveGames Add Armor Digivolution

Could MoveGames Add Armor Digivolution System on next update?just wait until next update come and hope ya XD

Here List Armor Digivolution
MoveGames Add Armor Digivolution

this just my predictions we never know whether this prediction is correct or not
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15 Komentar untuk "MoveGames Add Armor Digivolution"

2 digi baru ini udah adai di pack02 dan mungkin di exe nya juga, klw di tanya kapan, biasanya KDMO ga bklana lama buat ngupdate stlh data di masukin gan, perkiraan 1-3 update yg akan datang pling cpt rabu depan...

seru ko gan,,,emang maen juga gan game nya? =)) =)) =))

wow beki benghar wae si move game cash hungkul [-(

KDMO jarang kaks maenin cash, kalau yg sebelh iya :-) :-) :-) :-)

bisikin ke temen nya gan :-) :-) :-)
di more options dlo gan buat follow nya,

ternyata akan lebih keren and asyik nich

speck nya ga gede2 amat ko gan

iya gan system evo nya bklan di tmbh klw prediksi nya nyangkut...

Mahoooo :-t :-t :-t :-t :-t

masih 1 tahun lagi di GDMO ini mah ;v

gan cara liat isi pack02 gimana??? :-d :-d :-d

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