March 17, 2025 06:01:17 PM

Finally Move Games Added Armor Digivolutions

After maintenance, all servers and all will be paid as compensation.
  • Lucemon 1 SER
  • Leviamon 1 SER
  • Barbamon 1 SER
  • Lilithmon 1 SER 
Information Updates and Patch
  • [Digimon]
Armor Digivolutions
Digimon have been added to 
Armor Digivolutions

1. Flamedramon

Flamedramon  (Veedramon Line)
Level : Armor ( Crest of Courage Capsule)
Attribute : Vaccine
Family : Dragon Roars ( DR )
Skill 1 ( Special Skill ) : Fire Rocket ( Level 35 )
35% of skill in all probability to cause additional damage to the target, after 5 seconds [damage] effect.
Skill 2 : Flame Fist ( Level 38 )

2. Halsemon

Halsemon  ( Hawkmon Silphymon Line )
Level : Armor ( Crest of Love Capsule)
Attribute : Data
Family : Wind Guardian ( WG )
Skill 1 ( Special Skill ) : Eagle Eye ( Level 35 )
20% chance to increase the damage for 10 seconds as a skill [fury] effect. Each time you rise to the level of the skill effect fury damage rising volume increases.
Skill 2 : Mach Impulse ( Level 38 )

3. Pegasusmon

Pegasusmon  ( Patamon Shakkoumon Line )
Level : Armor ( Crest of Hope Capsule)
Attribute : Vaccine
Family : Light
Skill 1 ( Special Skill ) : Star Shower ( Level 35 )
25% probability for 10 seconds, add the target to 5 meetings every two seconds to cause damage [Flash damage] effect. Flash every time you rise to the level of a skill damage, damage effects increases.
Skill 2 : Equus Beam ( Level 38 )

4. Nefertimon

Nefertimon ( Salamon Silphymon Line )
Level : Armor ( Crest of Light Capsule)
Attribute : Vaccine
Family : Light
Skill 1 ( Special Skill ) : Queen's Paw ( Level 35 )
20% of skill in all probability X% of their attacks for 10 seconds, skill damage rises [indignant] effect. Each time you rise to the level of the skill effect damage indignation rising volume increases.
Skill 2 : Rosetta Stone ( Level 38 )

  • [System]
1. System Armor Digivolutions has been added to game
You can extend the evolutionary slot.

Flamedramon : Veedramon Line Use  Crest of Courage Capsule
Halsemon : Hawkmon Shakkoumon Line use Crest of Love Capsule
Pegasusmon : Patamon Shakkoumon Line use Crest Of Light Capsule
NefertimonSalamon Silphymon Line Use Cret Of Light Capsule

2. Capsule Items
Capsule Items : Obtained through quests in the game that can be repeated 
Old container capsule, capsule items, such as old love refers to the capsule. 
Old capsule capsule kind items that have a low probability of evolution can be extended slot. 
Expansion evolution failure destroyed the old capsule kind item.

1. Quest [courage to discard characters]Progress - Veemon DATS
2. Repeat quest [Destroy the spiral cable!] Progress - Dark Tower Wasteland

Reward Quest Destroy the spiral cable :
[Sealed old capsule box]. 
[Sealed old capsule box] 
If you make multiple scanning capsule can acquire a piece of random pieces of the capsule Veemon or hover over the old capsule to Falcomon items can be exchanged with them.

3. Evolution Of Restricted Area (Armor Digivolutions Can be evolutions on Dark Tower)
-. Dark Tower has been adjusted to the evolution of the map limit moorland areas. 
-. Dark Tower villain wasteland map Digimon placement have been adjusted.

Dark Tower in a restricted area of the evolution of the wasteland capsules evolved Digimon, excluding any Digimon evolution is impossible.

  • [Item Shop]
1. Crest Capsule Item Sales (Unlimited)
Crest Courage Capsule
Crest Love Capsule
Crest Hope Capsule
Crest Light Capsule, 

  • [Events]
1. Take screenshots armor digivolutions! Events
Date : 16 April 2014 - 30 April 2014
Content : being opened is in the event message boards < capsule evolution! event > with friends the new updated capsule containing all four species of Digimon looks like the evolution screen shot pics, please apply for the event Bulletin Board. Must be taken with themselves and their friends must be screen shots, the capsule is the evolution of 4 species of Digimon, there must be a gaecessig evenly. A nice screen shot of witnesses 5 team (20 persons), selecting the desired capsule items one by one.

How to participate :
1. Digimon evolve in different friends to collect the capsule.
2. Gathering of friends with flamedramon, pegasusmon, halsemon and nefertimon
3. Take Screenshoot then upload to Event Screenshot

Application Form :
1. ' [Event] capsule evolution! Applicants ' submissions on the Bulletin Board as a title event.
2. Put your screenshot contains 4 digimon armor ( flamedramon, pegasusmon, halsemon and nefertimon ) include your server

Example : 
Subject : "[이벤트] 캡슐진화! 응모"
Sever : 리바이어몬 ( Leviamon )
*Nick Name ( In Game Name ) :
Hylash - Crest Courage Capsule
sahika - Crest Love Capsule
Ezquirtz - Crest Hope Capsule
Enigma - Crest Light Capsule, 

*) Tamer who want receive Crest Capsule
Winners and rewards payments: Wed, May 7, 2014

*Note : 
1. application form if you do not write as may be excluded from the draw.
2. one person per entry will not be accepted. Duplicate entries and several screen shots if you are joining a duplicate is exempt from the draw.
3. compensation, selectable capsule is courage, love, hope, light is one of the four types of capsules.

2. Golden Bell Quiz Im a Digimon King! Events
Date : 16 April 2014 - 30 April 2014
How to participate :
1. Quiz just 1 times per day during the event stars 19.00 ( Korean Time )
2. The event starts at the top-right corner of the screen for 5 minutes ago generated trivia participation through application icons.   If you do not apply for participation prior to the start of the event events Please note that participation is not.
3. Please release a hard quiz. This item scores obtained in accordance with the compensation will be paid.

Compensation: Each crest capsule-related items and a score obtained Accelerator, mode selector etc.
You can get a variety of items Golden Bell Gift Box Will be paid

Obtained scores 1 points to 19 points: Golden Bell Gift Box x1 
Obtained scores 20 points to 39 points: Golden Bell Gift Box x2
Obtained scores 40 points to 59 points: Golden Bell Gift Box x3
Obtained scores 60 points to 79 points: Golden Bell Gift Box x4
Obtained scores 80 points to 99 points: Golden Bell Gift Box x5
Obtained scores 100 point : Golden Bell Gift Box x 10

*Note :
Compensation is paid at the end of the item, the item is then paid to the warehouse auto quiz

3.  Achievements Armor Digivolutions Events
Date : 16 April 2014 - 30 April 2014
Content : get all digimon armor evolutions ( flamedramon, pegasusmon, halsemon and nefertimon )

[Achievements] Armor Digivolutions
completed all armor digivolutions ( flamedramon, pegasusmon, halsemon and nefertimon )
*[Achievements] Server first Armor Digivolutions! for the first tamer who get armor digivolutions at server

*) 1 Sever = 1 Tamer
Winners and rewards payments: Wed, May 7, 2014

4. Killing Skullgreymon Events
Digimon Kaiser in evolutionary experiment failures are featured in this digital world, grey skull-driven.       Outrageous skull grey Mon, the peace of the digital world, please keep an eye on!

Date : 16 April 2014 - 30 April 2014
Content : take quest from mudfrigmon at DATS
Obtainable < skullgreymon treatment > obtained after completing daily quests

Reward :
Mudfrigmon Gift Box

1. In the basement of a mudfrigmon gift box Mystery Digi-Egg  [armor  digivolution], reset capsule, Digi-Clone, one of the various items, such as chicken combo.
2. Skull grey is the greater the Reid used the monster.
3. Oil refinery just outside of the village, one region, West one of the randomly-generated a Blizzard of village area (Only CH 0)
4. Skull grey-driven ' appearance ' or ' Church ' can be found throughout the message. ( maybe Like digmon boss at Westrn town he will spawn after notice )

Note :
Skullgreymon bone fragments > 50 in the rankings to avoid driving gray skull can be obtained.
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